Oberharzer Mund Art
Die  Kunst, den weltweit einmaligen Dialekt zu sprechen


The Upper Harz dialect is a Central German, Upper Saxon and Northwest Bohemian dialect with roots in Upper and Eastern Franconia.As early as the 1st millennium, Saxons, Franks and Low Germans worked in the Goslar and Zellerfeld mines.

Dialect, mining and the tension-free coexistence of different people in the Upper Harz have gone hand in hand from the very beginning. Neither is conceivable without the other. That is why our dialect is highly integrative.

As early as the 1st millennium, Saxons, Franks and Low Germans worked in the Goslar and Zellerfeld mines. In the course of the following centuries, miners migrated to the Upper Harz from all parts of Europe because of the highly social mining rights, in order to work there together and with one another without tension. The western Ore Mountains actually had the largest share of immigration. A large number of immigrants who speak the same way more easily overlays the established language. Few speakers of an immigrant dialect were unable to profoundly influence the established dialect, although some relics of these dialects are still recognizable.

Over the centuries, an independent dialect was formed in the Upper Harz from 10 recognizable dialects, which is unique in the world.